Human #cells experience a #Zn2+ pulse in early G1


•Human cells experience a transient zinc pulse in early G1

•The magnitude of the pulse tracks with the amount of zinc in the cytosol and media

•Knockdown of MTF-1 decreases metallothionein and increases the zinc pulse

•Cells pause proliferation until labile cellular zinc is in the optimum range


Zinc is an essential micronutrient required for all domains of life. Cells maintain zinc homeostasis using a network of transporters, buffers, and transcription factors. Zinc is required for mammalian cell proliferation, and zinc homeostasis is remodeled during the cell cycle, but whether labile zinc changes in naturally cycling cells has not been established. We use genetically encoded fluorescent reporters, long-term time-lapse imaging, and computational tools to track labile zinc over the cell cycle in response to changes in growth media zinc and knockdown of the zinc-regulatory transcription factor MTF-1. Cells experience a pulse of labile zinc in early G1, whose magnitude varies with zinc in growth media. Knockdown of MTF-1 increases labile zinc and the zinc pulse.

Our results suggest that cells need a minimum zinc pulse to proliferate and that if labile zinc levels are too high, cells pause proliferation until labile cellular zinc is lowered.